Individual activities
Most Creative Toolkit activities can be adapted as needed so you can engage individually or in groups -- but these are activities that we think would be particularly good for solo work.
An absorbing technique that makes drawing accessible to everyone (even people who think they can't draw)
A mindful technique that encourages you to use all your senses to connect with nature
Use weather-based imagery to describe and understand your internal state
Express your mood using your music -- or use your music to shift your mood
A mindful and relaxing doodling method
Create new words to uniquely capture and convey your feelings
Use shapes and colours to express your current mood or mindset (and perhaps achieve some catharsis)
A reflective outdoor activity re-connecting with your local treescape
Create dice to provide motivation and help you get un-stuck
Reflect and relax with this method, which can yield outputs that are image-based, text-based, or a mixture of both
A small sewing project that is suitable even for beginners; create a heart for yourself or to give to someone you care about